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A blog post about a story that takes place in a city called Bubsville. The town has been plagued by an outbreak of bubonic plague, and the illness spreads quickly among the populace. Symptoms include, but are not limited to: cough, headaches, fevers, confusion and loss of appetite. Bubsville's history supports this hypothesis by documenting many instances of bubonic plague outbreaks in the area throughout recorded history. The plot of the story revolves around three characters. One of them, Bubby, is a young man who lives in Bubsville. He tries to uncover the source of the mysterious illness plaguing his community. The second character, his female friend known as Pim, is also trying to find out what's causing the illnesses. She has her suspicions about what's causing the plague , but no evidence to support them. The third character is George Ostler, who is attempting to flee the city with his wife and daughter. He works at a clinic in another city and must come up with a way to save his family even though he himself has succumbed to the illness. Bubsville has been the site of several major cases of Bubonic plague outbreaks throughout history. This fact is supported by documents such as "The Bubsville Plague", a book written by Karl Brittlebaum. He describes both the past and present plagues that have struck the city. The Bubsville Plague and other documents like it were written and kept as a means of documenting the spread of disease and how to control it, if possible. They also serve as a way to warn future generations of similar disasters that might occur in the future, should people fail to heed these warnings. This attitude is reflected in other historical documents such as "The Bubsville Plague" because nothing was done to stop this outbreak from occurring again. The Bubsville Plague is mentioned in the beginning of the story and is used as a way to introduce and explain the illnesses and their symptoms. It also serves as a way to introduce two characters: Bubby and Pim. These characters become important later on when they begin to search for answers about the plague. The plague worsens, and more people fall ill. Despite this, however, few people attempt to find out what's causing such a devastating outbreak of disease. George Ostler shows reluctance to do so because he has succumbed to the illness. He believes that his family would be better off without him, so he decides to flee with them from town despite being sick himself. The Bubsville Plague story is told in the form of a journal entry. The author, George Ostler, takes the role of the narrator. He tells his story in chronological order, verse by verse. He explains his actions and thoughts during this time and describes the events that he witnesses. "The Bubsville Plague" is divided into verses that alternate between present day Bubsville and its history before the plague outbreak. It shows how these two periods are very similar because they both contain instances of bubonic plague outbreaks. As the story unfolds, it becomes evident that these past outbreaks are related to what's occurring in modern times. cfa1e77820

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